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The Big Picture

by Brian Flewelling on July 05, 2023

Read 1 Timothy 2:1-7

In this section of Paul’s letter, he starts to give his spiritual son practical instructions. How is this faith in Jesus lived out in Christian community? Leaders of churches know that you not only face problems of spiritual development but organizational and administrative chaos as well. It is not by accident that many pastors and church leaders have turned to Paul’s letters to Timothy for advice on how to steer their communities through the choppy waters of church life. These next four chapters give very practical instructions for churches on their structure, worship, and leadership.

Paul begins by giving Timothy the heart and reasoning for his instructions. This helps Timothy understand how the detailed instructions fit into the big picture and plan. These seven verses capture the big picture. God desires for all mankind “to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth (v.4).” The truth is that Jesus is the only bridge that spans the chasm between God and man (v.5). Paul is a herald of this message (v.7). We are all to cry out in prayer for our local communities and governments to find salvation in Jesus and walk in the way of peace, godliness, and holiness (v.2).

That’s Paul’s goal. Our worship services should reflect our Savior’s peace, godliness, and holiness (2:8-15). Our leaders should emulate the character of our Savior (3:1-16). Our personal leadership should be courageous enough to lead people to the truths of our Savior (4:1-16). And our pastoral shepherding should be empathic and discerning, just like our Savior (5:16).


Do you have the same heart as Jesus—for the nations of the earth to come to his great salvation?


Lord, renew my passion for your great rescue mission to save all mankind.

Tags: salvation, leadership, structure, administration, pastoring, organization, big picture, shepherding, instructions

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