Belong introduces you to the Petra leadership and church family. It will help you understand our story, what’s most important to us, our vision for the future, and how you fit into that mission. Knowing where we’ve been and where we’re heading will help you connect to our community life here. Whether you're a new believer, a new attendee, or have been coming to Petra for a while, we are committed to helping you fully connect to Jesus and others.

As we go through 5 topics, we hope everyone at Petra will do these five things: Connect, Grow, Serve, understand the ministry of the Holy Spirit, and Partner. Attending all five Belong topics will also help you partner with the vision we are pursuing together and help you take practical steps to grow in these important areas.

Fall/Winter Times: Classes are available every Sunday in September to May:
1st Service:  9:30 - 10:15 a.m. 
2nd Service:  11:30 AM - 12:15 p.m.

Location: Belong Room off the West Lobby

Summer Times:  Classes will be available every Sunday in June, July and August:
1st Service Only:  9:30 a.m.- 10:15 p.m. 

Location: Belong Room off the West Lobby

Sign Up:  No sign-up necessary. Just show up!

Amenities: Hot and cold drinks, pastries, and fruit will be served. Childcare is provided in our children's ministry department. Enjoy interaction with pastors and relationship building.

Belong Introduction Guide


1st Sunday - CONNECT
- Developing close friendships with those around you is key to growing spiritually and connecting with your church family. In this group we will help you discover the different short-term and ongoing Petra Groups, as well as the different resources, care, and relational environments at Petra.

Connect Participant Guide

2nd Sunday - GROW
- This class will help you grow in three core areas: as a new believer, as a mature believer, and as a leader. You’ll learn how to begin a relationship, or help others in their new faith. You'll also learn about water baptism, the ministry of the Holy Spirit, and the five life-long habits of every believer. And finally, you’ll discover our leadership pathways for those wanting to develop their leadership gifting.

Grow Participant Guide



3rd Sunday - SERVE – The Bible teaches that every member of the church community has gifts and talents necessary for building up the rest of the community. In this class we want to help you find your best fit by discovering how God combines your unique gifts, personality, and purpose. You’ll also hear about the many opportunities to serve at Petra.

Serve Participant Guide

Spiritual Gifts Online Survey

Passions, Skills & Talents Assessments


th Sunday - UNDERSTANDING THE MINISTRY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT – Take a look with us at the scriptures and watch how Jesus' first disciples interacted with the Holy Spirit. Their relationship provides a template for how we can relate to the Holy Spirit. This simple truth has a profound impact on how we interact with one another and how we do ministry here at Petra.

Watch the video here. 

The Beauty of the Spiritual Language - Pastor Lester Zimmerman (Audio)

The Power of the Holy Spirit - Pastor Lester Zimmerman (Audio)

Holy Spirit Participant Guide


5th Sunday - PARTNER – Learn about Petra’s history, why we exist, the things we’re passionate about, and how you can contribute. Your local church is where you belong and can contribute to its growth. When you know where we came from and where we’re going, you can engage purposefully and partner with your church family in all aspects of church life and vision. 

Partner Participant Guide    

Individual Membership Application

CHURCH OFFICE | 717-354-5394



© 2025 Petra Church   |   565 Airport Rd, New Holland, PA US 17557