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God healed my inner ailing spirit this past Sunday, March 9. 2025. After Brian Coles opened up the altar for people to receive a fresh outpouring of the spirit, I went up. All of a sudden, my prayer language returned and bubbled up within me after being dormant for close to two years. I could feel the thick and tangible presence of the Lord in the room and I began to shake. I got a picture of myself carrying these weighted stones around my neck that kept pulling my gaze downward. I felt Jesus say, "Look up at me." It was a very powerful encounter and I am so thankful to God that He has woken me from my slumber! God is good!!

What an amazing week! My fasting has gone very well, and I found that I had more energy to pursue the Lord. My extended prayers have been focused on 3 significant areas of our lives. Each one has seen the Lord answer, meet, and give us the next step. He has revealed His purposes in unique providential moments this week. Praise God.

God answered my prayer for a job and a car!

My whole life used to revolve around false core beliefs about myself, which resulted from early childhood trauma. I lived out of that place of false identity, and because of that formed toxic relationships with people who didn't treat me as the chosen and deeply loved child of God that I am. At the Freedom Conference last weekend, a prayer intercessor and I took captive those core lies that resulted in shame; we asked God to erase them and create the new core belief that my Father loves me, as it is His will that every child should know. After we prayed, while soaking in the worship, I had a picture that Jesus and I were standing on a cliff overlooking the ocean. I was a small girl holding a stem of dandelion seeds, and he leaned down to gently whisper in my ear "Go ahead and blow them away." Then he smiled at me, and the wind scattered the seeds in every direction, never to return or be found again. I understood that the seeds in this vision represented the lies I held onto all my life. As the vision ended, I felt a subtle, yet palpable rush of wind around me. The Holy Spirit was the wind that scattered the seeds of lies, and all my shame was broken off in that very moment. Revelation 19:10 says that the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy. Therefore, I pray that if this testimony of Jesus has moved you, you can be sure that God is prophesying to you that he can and will break off the root of your shame as well. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Cor 3:17). Be blessed!

Thanks for your prayers when I lost all sources of major income. I recovered all plus extra. PTL. He is good!

I want to thank all Of the intercessors associated with the Petra Prayer community for your investment of time and prayer on behalf of our son Joseph. Joseph ( age 35) was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma in October. It was a very arduous journey getting a diagnosis and treatment. He was deathly ill for about seven weeks in the fall. Once treatment (including hydration) began the night sweats and high fevers stopped. The chemotherapy treatments were quite rough on him and often required that he stay in bed for about 10 days post-treatment. The duration of 6 chemo treatments was about four months long. Three weeks ago Joseph had a scan which revealed he was cancer-free! We recognize the faithfulness and goodness of God in bringing healing to our son. And we offer praise Thanksgiving, and adoration, glory to HIS name! I can’t imagine a cancer journey without the support of faithful intercessors like you. Thank you, thank you, thank you may God bless you in return.

My dad was very ill and admitted to the hospital with a paralyzed digestive tract and sepsis. He was near death. God did a miracle and his poor prognosis shifted. He woke up the next morning and his levels were great! They kept him one more day to observe but then he was discharged the following morning! Such a miracle! A few days ago, my dad had a follow up with the same doctor he saw at the hospital. He found out he also had pneumonia on top of everything else. The Dr couldn’t understand how he was back to normal and said “do you know how serious this was? I can’t believe this!”

Our 3-year-old daughter woke up with a raging fever, rapid heart rate, and gasping for breath. The medical treatment she received should have sent her body into shakes but she had no negative reactions. She woke up the next morning like nothing happened. We praise God for healing her!

On January 30, I was diagnosed with Bell's Palsy, a partial paralysis of the facial muscles. I could not bring up the left side of my face. Bell's Palsy can last weeks and months sometimes. My case started to improve immediately. Three days after it was discovered, I went to LGH ER at the request of my PCP. They did a brain scan and blood work to rule out a stroke. The results of both came back clear. On the following Tuesday, I went to my eye doctor. I told the nurses that I had Bell's Palsy. They asked which side of my face. They could not tell that I had ever had it. God had healed my facial muscles in 7 or 8 days! Thank you for your prayers.

In November of 2023, I noticed my distance vision was deteriorating. This happened within a couple of days. I noticed my sight was much better without my glasses. That Sunday at church Brian Coles said there was someone in the church who felt God wanted to heal the eyes and eyesight. I received prayer and since that week I found driving and my distance vision was better without my glasses. Yesterday I had my annual eye exam and my doctor confirmed that the lens in both my eyes is reshaping towards normal!!! He said this is not completely unheard of but very rare!! I am convinced the person hearing from God and praying for the healing of eyes that week was what is healing my eyes! Our God is so good!!

During fasting week one thing I was praying for was a breakthrough in my physical health- specifically in the area of muscle, joint, and back pain. I had a rib that was out of place, hurting with each breath, for nearly a year, despite treatments and adjustments. Halfway through fasting week, my chiropractor adjusted me with a different technique, and it went into place. I’ve been breathing unrestrictedly ever since and having less pain elsewhere because of it. I praise God for this answered prayer!

This week as I spent time with the Lord, I was reminded of an old hymn. “Only Believe”…. only believe all things are possible only believe. Two and half years ago, I suffered a great loss in my life. I lost the most amazing, Godly, devoted, loving husband of 47 years and my sweet Momma on the same day. My children lost their dad and grandmother. My faith was shaken severely but I can testify to God’s amazing love and constant strength to press forward. This week during a sweet time of prayer, the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart and said that God is going to redeem what has been lost in my life. I need to trust him and believe all things are possible through him for myself and for my family. As I press forward with the Lord I am excited to see what the next chapter of the story he has written for me will unfold.

My daughter tore her LCL in her knee in the fall, and at 14 weeks the Dr was still concerned because of her pain and said we needed an MRI to see if the damage was deeper or meniscus torn. We had a word spoken over her from Pastor Mark in India saying the injury would not lead to surgery…. but we were being told it was a possibility from the Dr. We prayed together for a few weeks, and I fasted and kept praying on this word and last Sunday we went up for prayer at the altar because the pain was still bothering her to walk. On Tuesday we had the MRI, and the result was, “There is nothing wrong, no tears, no ligaments damaged, and everything is intact and strong!” She was healed. Praise God.”

Well, I live for the king today. I grew up going to Petra and it was my personal relationship with Jesus that pulled me through some tough times. It wasn't the people I had or didn't have around me or the church. It was the hope in the joy coming in the morning after the sorrow. I could say I was at a turning point where I made the choice and I believed in the power of his name and with God I could do anything. I wasn't afraid to face things I wasn't gonna end and had a story to tell about how this is the Lord's day we will rejoice and be glad in it. He came to me in my darkest hour his love moves mountains. I could go on and on but I'll keep it simple. Whatever you face, face it with his love. He will give you more than you could ever want or need and that's how I learned. I'd never give up and never surrender fighting the good fight. The Lord has a story in all of us He wants to unfold. Rejoice and be glad on this day. God is good all the time.

On Monday, I was in a deep dark pit. I reached out to my family and prayer warriors. Today, I am rejoicing because He has lifted me out of that dark pit and put me on solid ground (psalm 40:1,2) ~LR

Our house has needed necessary repairs for quite some time. My husband and I work on things little by little and most of our projects are DIY that deplete what little we can save very quickly. But the major issues are very expensive and require a professional, and we’ve had to put them off for years and just do temporary fixes because we really don’t want to borrow a large amount money. However, after nearly ten years, we just accepted the fact that there is really no other way for us to afford to do major repairs on our home. About a year ago, I began an application for a private loan with the lowest interest available to do these needed repairs. For some reason, I started the application online, but got busy with other things and completely forgot to finish it. Then, about 6 months ago, I got a letter in the mail asking if I was still interested in the loan because there were funds available, so I quickly completed my application and waited to see what would come of it. It had been a year since I had submitted our financial information, and since that time our income had increased substantially, and we were only $500 away from exceeding the income limit for this low interest home loan. In June, I was contacted again for an interview and to sign documents but was put on a waitlist. Again, I kind of forgot about it in the busyness of life. Then, this week I got a call out of the blue from a home inspector who was ready to come in the next day to take inventory of the needed repairs. I was completely blown away when the director of the loan program showed up and told me that grant money had become available, and that they wanted to give priority to those who had first applied for the loan a long time ago. But now instead of getting a loan for the repairs, we have just been blessed with a $25,000 grant! Had I remembered to finish the application a year ago, we would have had to repay the loan. We also almost missed eligibility for the grant by a very slim margin in our income. There is no doubt the Lord’s hand is in all of this. Not only that, but he waited for a time to give us this gift when he knew it would encourage my heart the most. We didn't even pray for it, but Jehovah Jireh knew our need and met it generously “according to his riches in glory” (Philippians 4:19) in a way more abundantly than I could ask, think, or imagine! This was years in the making, and the Lord decided this week to open up the heavens and pour out this blessing on us. Now I am encouraged because I know that my generosity and hospitality have not gone unnoticed. The Lord has refreshed me from his own hand (Proverbs 11: 25), and I have to testify how I have seen his provision in my life. For His glory alone, “they feast on the abundance of your house; you give them drink from your river of delights (Psalm 36:8)”. I am so grateful for God's faithfulness!  ~DG

September 5-12, my wife and I were at a conference of Eastern European pastors with Darryl and Joyce Henson. A Ukrainian pastor's wife had been dealing with burnout, discouragement, and fatigue, along with a lack of sleep due to never-ending refugee work in addition to regular church work. God met her and brought healing to her, and He put the pieces together from earlier in her life. Her countenance became brighter, and the next day she said that she slept very well. Praise God for his healing power. ~MI

Two Sundays ago, there was ministry time for the Lord to do healing work - specific to depression and anxiety. I'd love to share how the Lord did a work in me. My husband had a significant health scare last November, and since that event, I have been struggling with anxiety attacks. I am a musician and music teacher, and it was disheartening to realize that any social or performance setting (even just me being in the crowd) was a significant trigger for the debilitating attacks. For months, I have been asking the Lord to liberate me from the anxiety, and He dealt with me kindly, but the attacks continued. I was recently particularly concerned because I was asked to sing for my mother-in-law's wedding. Being that it would be the first time I had to sing since experiencing anxiety, I felt certain that I needed to be praying that the Lord would help me. Then two Sundays ago (the Sunday before the wedding), Pastor Brian and Crystal made the ministry call in the service. I knew the Lord wanted to work in me, and when I went up with my husband, the Lord did the work. As we held each other and worshipped, I felt something snap in my spirit, like something had been broken and lifted off of me. Pastor Brian's words towards the end of the ministry time confirmed in my spirit that the Lord had done the work. Since that healing day, I have been to many social events, and I sang at the wedding, completely free of anxiety! I am so grateful for that time and for the leaders' obedience to the Spirit's direction that morning. He did a powerful work in me, and I am so full of praise and gratitude! ~CH

During prayer in my group of 4 on Tuesday night, I asked for prayer for the pain in both my knees that had been quite severe. The woman (Sherrie, I think was her name) asked if she could lay hands on my left knee  - I consented and her hand was hotter than a heating pad from the moment she laid her right hand on my knee!  It stayed that way until everyone finished praying for me. A man named Scott prayed all this medical stuff about cartilage being rebuilt, muscles restored, etc and Rick prayed for total restoration, etc.
I took these healing prayers in faith and almost immediately, the pain began to subside. I continued to thank God for this gracious healing all the next day and took my normal walk around my neighborhood. A very small amount of pain (I would not have been able to walk that distance the day before the prayer without bad pain).
By Thursday, I was walking normally without pain and continuing to praise God for His power and care! ~TN

I have had pain in my right knee for several years. I had seen an orthopedic doctor a couple of years ago, and he said I would have to have a knee replacement at some point. My knee had osteoarthritis, a bone spur at the back of my knee, and pain on 3 sides. I went to the Prophetic Meeting this past Saturday at EHOP and was prayed for by Josh and Lauren Horst, and D'Lury Geiger. After that, I have had no pain in my right knee. It always felt uncomfortable all the time. Now I feel no discomfort at all. God has healed my right knee. Praise God!

On New Year's Eve, Saturday, 12/31/2022, I experienced frequent and very bright flashes in my right eye along with floaters. The next morning (Sunday, New Year's Day), I asked Mike Ingold on the prayer line at Petra to pray for me. On Monday, I went to the eye doctor and received the diagnosis of PVD (posterior vitreous detachment). Most flashes happen when the vitreous gel inside the eye shrinks or changes, pulling on the retina. Mine was very severe, with a lot of bruising on the eye, and the doc asked me to return in a week because she was highly concerned by the severity of my case and worried that my retina was in the process of detaching. When I returned in a week, she was stunned to see that ALL bruising was GONE! She said this does not happen that quickly. She still wanted to see me in a month to be sure that the retina was intact. I had my appointment yesterday (2/6/2023), and not only is everything looking great, the vision in my right eye (the one impacted by this PVD) has improved slightly. I give the Lord credit for healing me, beginning at the time that Mike prayed for me as my accelerated healing defies common healing, and also for avoiding a retinal detachment that, based on the severity of my issue, seemed to be likely. Praise the Lord for answered prayer! ~EJ

I have been dealing with a situation at work for the past 10 months. The longer my situation drug on, the messier it became and the more hopeless it was beginning to look. My boss seemed determined to not resolve the situation until I quit or got fired. During the week of fasting, I pressed in and asked God for a miracle. I asked Him to make a way where I was starting to believe there was no way. On Wednesday of fasting week, God caused my path to cross with Pastor Lester who encouraged me, prayed for me, and spoke words of life over me when I needed it most. By Saturday of fasting week, I received news that my situation would be resolved in the coming days and that I would be returning to work! Our God is a way-maker, a promise-keeper. ~Annonymous

The fasting week was a powerful one. It was a deliberate time to expose myself to prayer and to teaching tapes. The theme was “The Fear of God” as the foundation for moving in life. The opposite is the fear of man. Today’s society has tremendous pressures to conform to the world and to the spirit of this world. False beliefs that permeate society and denigrate God and His Word. I have to decide whose side I am on, and in 2023, it may cost me something (or a lot) to stand up and stay in God’s side. My past life has times when I have been able to straddle the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of this world. I have failed many times and I look back on my many mistakes. But this fasting week assured me that there is only one side to take and only one place where there is salvation. Only Jesus saves. Only the Kingdom is where I can and should be. There are many battles ahead. I have decided to follow Jesus. No turning back. ~ JT

The fast I have done has helped me to go to God more often and has deepened my dependence on Him. The blessing of running to Jesus' open arms has been increased in my life by taking moments aside and reordering time! ~BB

Yet another miracle story… Keep ‘em coming, Lord! I discovered a lump behind my ear. I thought it was a pimple so I squeezed it, but nothing came out. I left it alone but over a week it grew. It was very painful and there was a lot of pressure. It looked like someone put a grape under my skin. So I finally went to the doctor thinking he would lance a boil or something. He started by putting a needle in to draw out what he expected would be an infection. But there was no infection. It was just blood. He sent me in for an ultrasound which was done yesterday. The ultrasound found two hypoechoic masses measuring 9x6x13 mm and 5x6x5 mm. I was scheduled today to have them removed. Of course, we prayed. I had a sense that it was cancer but I was at peace. The Dr cut me open and was shocked that I only bled. There was nothing to remove! There were no masses anymore! I praise God for another miracle in my life. I am so thankful that everything is gone. ~ER

Ed Eby and I went to Kenya Africa to help Randy and Bonnie Martin of Preparing the Way Ministries do a Crusade in Shimoni, Kenya. It is a town with more than 80% Muslim population and much witchcraft. During the five-night Crusade, Randy estimated that over 100 persons gave their lives to Christ. There were many healings and deliverances as well. A female witch doctor tried to curse the sound speakers, but it had no effect. A Muslim principal would not allow some Christian girls to return to the Crusade on Sunday, but we were able to go to their school and minister to them there. There was great unity between the teams, especially the worship team and Randy's team. Ten young people were water baptized on Sunday afternoon. A door for Christianity was opened in Shimoni as this was the first Christian large gathering held in that town. ~Mike Ingold


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