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When Things Go Wrong

by Mike Ingold on May 24, 2022

Losses are difficult to handle emotionally, but it is always beneficial to share your feelings with the Lord. Sometimes the loss is expected, but at other times, it is unexpected. The Lord knows and he can help you process the painful memories of people we’ve loved and lost.

I have lost both my parents, a daughter 11 hours after birth, and a grandson who was 29 days old and died in my lap. Those were all losses that were difficult to comprehend. My mind and emotions wanted to know why it happened so that I could understand. After several weeks, I realized that I had to surrender my desire to understand God. Sometimes we receive understanding here on earth, and sometimes we won’t know until we get to heaven. God brings the healing in His way, and His ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:9).

Sometimes we lose our job, a cherished possession, or our reputation. I have lost a couple jobs, and questioned God in order to understand what happened. Finally, I said, “God, what do you want me to learn? I am tired of going around this mountain again and again. Teach me what I need to know. I want to go through this experience the right way and with the right attitude.” When I asked God, trusted Him, and allowed Him to bring things about in His timing, I was able to keep the right attitude and learn what God wanted me to know.

What happened in my job losses were not simple situations to cope with emotionally, but God was able to use each job experience and location I had been at, to give me a spiritual and practical lesson that helped me in the next job environment I encountered. God showed me that when He closed a job that I liked, He had even better plans for me than I had ever imagined. God does indeed do what He says in Romans 8:28, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” (NKJV).

When things seem to go wrong, God often uses our trials to strengthen our faith, put us where He wants us to be, and add to our character. He is always conforming us into the image of Jesus Christ if we allow Him to work in our lives. We can be sure that God always has our best interest in mind. As an example, I have found that if a trial lasts a long time, God is building a larger foundation in my life. This enables me to do greater ministry in His body and for His kingdom. It certainly produces more fruit than if things had worked out the way that I had planned.

God is faithful and trustworthy. We can trust Him with our whole body, soul, and spirit. When things go wrong, we can surrender our desire to fully understand. We can ask God to teach us and lead us in our experiences His way (the right way) and with the right attitude. When things go wrong in our lives, ask God to help, then trust Him, and allow Him to accomplish His work in His timing. God can and does use our trials and losses to strengthen our faith, place us where He wants us, and add to our character, thereby conforming us more into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ.

Tags: trust, strength, faithful, grief, loss, timing

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