“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might” Ephesians 6:10 (KJV).
Every believer is to be strong in the unlimited power of the Lord and in the power of his might. The source of strength that we have is not human; it is not of this world. Our strength and power are found in the Lord and our close-knit relationship with him. He has given us the strength to overcome the trials and temptations of this world that come from Satan.
Ever since we became Christian we have been in a battle. Satan and his army are on the prowl to tempt us away from following the ways of Jesus into the sins of this world. Satan uses strategies that appeal to the eyes, flesh, and pride of the believer. Believers are in a spiritual battle; our mind is the battlefield. In Christ we are assured victory, but we need to arm ourselves for the battle.
Dressed for Battle
Paul was in prison when he wrote his letter to the Ephesians. Every day he would watch the Roman soldiers standing guard in their armor. He saw how the armor functioned, and understood how spiritual armor was needed by the Christian to fight the forces of evil. “Put on the full armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil”
Ephesians 6:11 (KJV). The word “wiles” (methodei) means deceit, craftiness, trickery, methods, and strategies which the devil uses to wage war against the believer.
There is a particular way we dress for each season. The believer’s spiritual armor is to be worn every day, and in any season. It must not be missing any parts. The weapons of the armor complement one another. They repel all attacks and ambushes of the enemy. Put your armor on every day and make sure it’s intact. It could mean the difference between, spiritual life and death. As Christians we need to be fully armed and prepared for the battle.
The Belt of Truth – “having your loins girt about with the belt of truth”
The Roman soldier’s belt was used to hold his clothing in place next to his body. Without the belt his clothing would flap about and limit his freedom of movement. For the believer, the belt of truth is Jesus himself—the Word of God. The believer is sanctified by the Word of God. The Christian must live a life of truth and truthfulness. The belt of truth will prevent him from being tossed to and fro by the enemy and will give support in the trials and battles of life. The truth will set him free. The truth will keep him focused on the Word of God and not the affairs of this life. (See also John 17:17; Ephesians 4:14.)
The Breastplate of Righteousness – “and having the breastplate of righteousness”
The Roman soldier wore this breast piece to cover his heart; in fact it covered the body from the neck to the thighs. By the grace of God, we are armed with the breastplate of righteousness. The righteousness of Jesus clothes the believer. We need to focus on Jesus and his righteousness. Believers are called to live a righteous life in this present world. This prevents the heart from being wounded and losing its focus.
Shoes of Peace – “feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace”
Roman soldiers wore military sandals that were made with nails that gripped the ground and kept their feet firm in battle. This also protected their feet from injury. The Christian is firmly grounded in the gospel. He is ready to march and share the gospel of peace to a world so desperately in need of the good news. The gospel of peace brings us peace with God and with one another. The gospel of peace prepares the believer for their journey and for war. (See also Matthew 16:15.)
The Shield of Faith – “taking the shield of faith”
The Roman soldier’s shield protected his entire body. It protected them from the fiery darts that were thrown by the enemy. These darts were filled with a combustible material and set ablaze. Satan has fiery darts that create doubt about our salvation, faith, hope and trust in the Lord, our calling, our ability to serve, and how God sees us. They cause depression, despair, defeat, addiction, and lack of self-confidence. As believers our faith and trust in God prevails; it will quench the fiery darts of Satan. The presence of God is our shield; he is great and ever present. (See also Psalm 3:3-4.)
The Helmet of Salvation – “take the helmet of salvation”
The helmet covered the entire head of the soldier; it also protects the mind of the Christian. The mind is a battlefield for Satan, but the helmet of salvation is deliverance for the believer. Our mind needs to be focused on Jesus our deliverer. He has a plan in place for every believer, the calling that he has on our lives. We are in the world but not of this world. Our hope is for the glorious day of redemption. It is vital that the believer’s mind stay focused on Jesus. (See also Romans 8:6.)
The Sword of the Spirit – “the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God”
The Roman soldier used the sword both offensively and defensively. It was used for both protection and to fight the enemy. The believer must live by the Word and in the Word of God. In this way he will be protected from the onslaught of the enemy. With the Word we will succeed in spiritual warfare and win the battle every time. The written Word assures victory for the believer. Jesus used scripture against Satan. (See also Matthew 4:4,6,7,10; Hebrews 4:12; Psalm 119:11)
Christian warfare is spiritual. Put on the full armor of God. The armor is essential for protection from the powers of darkness in these evil days. Every day Satan tempts and deceives the believer in their thoughts, thus preventing the believer from developing a deeper relationship with God and his gift of eternal life. Do not allow any part of the armor to be open for attack from the enemy. The armor is God’s weapon against the battle. With it we stand firm offensively and defensively. The armor is the Word of God. With the armor we can stand our ground and be victorious. Put on the full armor of God everyday so that we are armed and dangerous.
Tags: ephesians 6, spiritual warfare; armor of god