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Praying for America and the 2020 Election

by Brian Flewelling on October 30, 2020

In just four days the citizens of the United States will vote for our next president. As with every election, this is an important decision for our nation. Individuals and parties stand for ideas and actions. Those ideas and actions have physical consequences that may hinder righteousness or promote darkness.

As believers we need to be praying for the kingdom of God to invade our nation again. Here are some ways you can pray for this election.

1. Righteousness & Justice within the government
God’s throne is built on righteousness and justice. Every earthly authority should also be a reflection of God’s righteousness and justice. The people in power need to be guided by virtue and righteousness, unmoved by personal gain or falsehoods. Their decisions need to agree with God’s laws, morality, and justice. If they don’t a nation, just like it’s citizens, will eventually perish.

2. Unity and compassion within our citizenry
The relational temperature is extremely toxic right now. It requires forgiveness, empathy, humility, patience, and a commitment to work together for our nation to heal and move forward. Pray against offense, divisiveness, and agitation. Pray against any spiritual darkness or agenda inciting violence, hatred, or grievance. Division is never in the heart of God. Pray for unity and collaboration to arise. Pray for healing and self-sacrifice to take root.

3. Preservation of peace within our society
Anarchy, violence, and destruction—as means of protesting—are evil. They lead to greater injustices than the ones we may be facing today. Pray for the practical changes needed in our legal, political, and social institutions that would make them trustworthy. Pray for partnerships to emerge that generate new solutions to old problems.

4. Truthfulness and clarity within the election process
Deceit, lies, fraud, confusion, and slander are prodigies of a deceiving spirit. Pray for truthfulness and clarity to emerge through the election process. The mail-in ballot is creating a new layer of complexity ripe for exploitation. Regardless of the outcome, the American people do not need the confusion of an election scandal distorting our country for next three months.

5. For God to reign over us with His kingdom
There is no hope outside of Jesus Christ. Freedom outside of the holiness of the Lord is self-indulgence. The further our nation strays from God’s paths the greater the oppression we will experience and the greater the violations of liberty we will endure.

Pray for the good news of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit to reawaken our nation again. Outside of that hope, no political system or political candidate can lead us to true life and peace.

Tags: compassion, kingdom, righteousness, justice, peace, authority, government, unity, division, elections

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