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Needing Rescued!

by Brian Flewelling on February 21, 2023


“Our God is a God who saves.” Psalms 68:20

One of the most famous rescue missions in modern history began on August 5, 2010, after a cave-in occurred at the San José copper–gold mine near the town of Copiapó. Thirty-three miners were trapped under nearly a half-mile of earth and collapsed rock. And after a second collapse of the ventilation shaft, there was limited hope that they would be rescued. Teams of hundreds of people from the Chilean government, NASA, and a dozen corporations collaborated using their diverse fields of expertise to attempt to rescue the lost souls. Time was not on their side. They had run out of their emergency food supply, each man had lost close to eighteen pounds, and still, the Chilean government was predicting another 60 days till they could be pulled to the surface. They were starving to death. Finally, on day 69, the rescue effort came to a crescendo, and every minor was miraculously hauled, one by one, to the surface, drawn up in a one-man capsule, and reunited with their families and loved ones.

Our needs are very rarely as dramatic or as publicly documented as that dangerous catastrophe. Even so, your health can experience a cave-in. Your marriage can get just as trapped under a mountain of rubble, or you could be suffocating under discouragement, temptation, or resentment. For those humble enough to admit they need help, God does not shame us in our moment of need, but he loves to rescue the broken. Daniel 6:27 says, “He rescues, and he saves.” And Zephaniah 3:17 says, “The Lord your God is with you, the mighty warrior who saves.” This is God’s character, he’s a rescuer. This is central to the entire Bible story; our sins have fallen in on us, and we are lost without help from the outside.

Salvation in Jesus Christ is more than an event, it’s a life posture. We’re learning to live a new life connected to the source of life. Daily, I’m being rescued from the narrowness of my independence, from the cramped quarters of self-interest and ego’s constant harassment. My love is unsteady, weak, shallow, disorganized, inconstant, envious, and anxious. I need deliverance from the lies and bondage that hem me in and from my cavalier attitude. We can cry out to God for help, “Then I called on the name of the Lord: O Lord, save me” (Psalm 116:4)!

Here is a simple prayer that has helped me live in a posture of dependence on God. I pray that it assists you in your journey as well. “Lord, I need your help. I don’t want to do this on my own.” This is the cry of the spiritual beggar. And rushing into the rubble comes the Father who loves and embraces us. If I had to do it all over again, I’d trade my independence for the presence of my Father, King, and friend a thousand times over again. His presence and glory are like nothing else, and he is worth whatever price you have to pay to have him. 


                            ---[If you're interested in reading what the scriptures say about the topic of salvation: What do I need saved from? Does God really love me? How can I be saved?How can I be sure of salvation? You can read our free online booklet Scriptures on Salvation.]---


Tags: trust, salvation, belief, jesus christ, selfish, rescue, independence, sins, dependence

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