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Keep Asking

by Brian Flewelling on July 06, 2021

“I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.” Ephesians 1:17

Keep asking. It requires a bit of audacity to keep asking. It’s like Oliver Twist imploring the master of the orphanage for more food. Who are you to keep asking? I’ll tell you who you are—God says you’re not an orphan, you’re his child who’s been pursued, chosen, adopted, and generously loved. God tells you to keep asking—so keep asking!

Keep asking, or are you satisfied with just a little? Do you want more? Or did you want just enough to sooth the soul’s necessities and not it’s longings? It takes tenacity to keep asking. It takes a heart that knows it’s emptiness and discontentment to keep asking. How hungry are you; how big is your appetite for God? He will fill whatever container you hold up to him.

Keep asking, or do you feel guilty for being so distracted before? Do you feel you are an imposition on the Father for asking something you don’t deserve? Come now, the past is behind. As soon as you had looked to him, repented, and cried out to him in sincerity he had already quite forgotten the past. He is only joyful that you are crying out to him now. He wants to share “now” with you. The Great I AM wants you to share in the joy of his eternal “NOW.” Don’t drag your self-punishment into the middle of his celebration.  

Notice the gift the Father gives to you. He gives the Spirit, and the Spirit reveals the Father. And when the Spirit reveals the Father it is “glorious.” He is the “glorious Father.” All other lights will pale in the radiance of the Father. What you thought you knew and thought you loved will turn bland in your mouth once you’ve tasted of perfect joy in the Father’s presence.

Lean into the Holy Spirit, he is your guide. There is no better expert than the one who searches the depths of God’s heart, and knows his innermost thoughts. The Spirit is the intimate acquaintance of the Father. He is your lamp shining light through the darkness of your mind. He is lighting up places in the Father you’ve never journeyed to before. No matter how much you think you know, you’ll be shocked to discover how much you don’t.

Keep asking for your daily bread. God doesn’t reveal himself at once, but daily; in hours, times, and seasons. He is your sustenance and life. Keep asking to know more of him.


Tags: more, satisfied, knowing god, keep asking, glorious father

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