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God Healed My Mind and Emotions!

by Peter Sensenig on August 18, 2020

...to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing(s) by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers...” I Corinthians 12:9-10a

Most of the time when the supernatural gift of healing is discussed the focus is on physical healing. Yet 1 Corinthians 12:9 insinuates there are different kinds of healing(s). Supernatural healing can take place in physical bodies, but it can also take place in the mind and emotions as well. This article will focus on emotional healing and healing of the mind. Isaiah prophesied that Jesus would come to “proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners” (Isaiah 61:1b). I have personally experienced the Father's healing and freedom in my mind and emotions and believe that freedom is available for everyone who feels oppressed in these ways.

For most of my life anxiety, fear, and obsessive thought patterns were a constant battle. My emotional condition was like a roller coaster with the lows often lasting much longer than the highs. During the down times, I felt like I was under an oppressive dark cloud and did not find enjoyment in anything, even activities that would have normally been exciting. I felt overwhelmed with anxiety, to the point of torment. I felt powerless to change, and especially battled thoughts of guilt and condemnation. During the low times, my confidence would take a nosedive and I would feel like I was letting my family down and was no fun to be around.

I longed for a miraculous and supernatural healing, an instant breakthrough. Over a span of twenty years I received prayer from many different people in multiple places. However, my experience of healing and freedom came more as a journey than as a miraculous moment. I sat through many different ministry/counseling sessions with different counselors. In most of the sessions the Father met me and brought a level of healing to my heart and mind. He loves to bring healing to the root of our pain. Each time I would meet with a counselor the Father would bring to mind memories that he wanted to address, meet me in those memories, and bring healing.

I experienced an incredible breakthrough during my sessions—about a year ago--with the last counselor/minister that I had been working with. The Holy Spirit used that counselor to reveal key roots to my emotional pain. Those roots were the source of the anxiety, fear, and guilt I was experiencing. The real problem was the unhealed roots. Anxiety and obsessions were just a way to deal with the pain. The Father brought the pain into the light, exposed the lies, and brought supernatural healing. Since then, I have been a new person and am continuing to experience so much freedom.

Occasionally fear has crept in and thoughts like, “I wonder when I will hit a low and fall into a funk again,” have entered my mind. In the past, anxiety had always returned and I would plunge once again into a season of intense struggle and darkness. But the Lord assured me that would not happen this time. He gave me a mental picture of a pit that I had been rescued from. Then I saw a large stone being placed over the opening to the pit. The Father showed me that I would no longer fall into the pit because he had closed the entrance to it. Jesus has set this captive free and has released this prisoner from darkness just as he promised! He wants to do the same for everyone you know who is facing battles of the mind and emotions. Jesus came to “set the captives free,” and that healing and freedom is available to you.

Sometimes God chooses to bring healing and freedom instantaneously. I believe we will start to see an increase in these kinds of healing. For those struggling with emotional health, keep pressing in for a miracle of healing; God has that for you. Also realize that your healing might come as a journey, like mine did. Believe and press in for a miraculous touch, but also embark on a path that may involve layers of healing and freedom. Emotional wounds run deep, and sometimes our healing journey is like peeling layers off of an onion. Ask the Lord to help you find the right person to work with you and help you on your journey. Then seek the help of someone experienced in guiding people into Holy Spirit led supernatural healing. God is good; He wants to heal you emotionally, mentally, and physically. Be encouraged! He will build a level of authority in your life around the areas that once caused the most pain. As he brings healing to you, he wants to use you to minister freedom to others battling emotional struggles.

Anxiety, depression and fear seem to be at an all-time high right now. We are poised to see the Father display his supernatural healing power in people’s emotions at a level never seen before. Press into the Father for your healing and for the healing of your friends, family and coworkers!

Tags: counseling, holy spirit, fear, anxiety, healing, shame, journey, guilt, mental, gift of healing

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