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Embraced By God

by Matt Kauffman on August 27, 2024

As someone who has made mistakes and experienced the gift of forgiveness, I understand the deep need for connection and community. In my role, I’ve had the privilege of walking alongside many people and hearing their stories of pain and trauma. This has only strengthened my conviction that we all need connections to belong and find our family in the community.

I encounter many who feel isolated and disconnected; it’s a place I understand being in. I’ve believed the lies of the enemy in my own life, and it breaks my heart to see people believing those same lies, feeling alone and unworthy. Yet, in these moments, I’m reminded of Psalm 68:5-6: "A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families…

God sets the lonely in families.

This verse speaks about God’s heart for us. He understands our deep need for connection and community. When I meet someone who feels isolated, I see an opportunity to reflect God’s love. Our church community becomes a family for those who may not have any. It's a place where people find godly acceptance, love, and support. It’s my mission to ensure that everyone has a place where they belong.

We drift, yet God goes after us.

Life has a way of causing us to drift. We get caught up in our struggles and fears, and sometimes, we feel far from God. But here’s the beautiful truth: no matter how far we drift, God never stops pursuing us. I’ve seen this repeatedly in my own life and in the lives of those I walk alongside. God’s love is relentless. He’s a shepherd who leaves the ninety-nine to find the one lost sheep. He never gives up on us. This relentless pursuit reassures me that we are never alone, even in our darkest moments.

Yahweh, there is no equivalent.

The name Yahweh (God), out of Exodus 3:13-14, means "I Am Who I Am" or "I Will Be What I Will Be." This name is a reminder that God is the "Becoming One" – the God who becomes what his people need. I’ve seen this truth play out countless times. When the fatherless need a father, Yahweh is there. When the widow needs a defender, God is there. He meets us right where we are, becoming exactly what we need in our time of need. God’s provision has been a constant source of comfort and strength for me and my family. “Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me” (Psalm 54:4).

I’ve seen the enemy’s tactics up close. He tries to isolate us, whispering lies that we are alone and unworthy. But God’s Word is the ultimate truth that dispels these lies. Psalm 68:5-6 reveals God’s heart for the vulnerable and isolated. He’s a father to the fatherless and a defender of widows. His holy dwelling is a place where everyone is cherished and valued. As the old hymn proclaims, “A mighty fortress is our God.”

The promise that God sets the lonely in families is a testament to his deep understanding of our needs. He knows that we thrive in community and that connections with others strengthen us. His provision of a spiritual family is an expression of his immense love and care for us. When we feel lost or isolated, we can trust that God is working to place us within a community where we will be supported and loved.

That Yahweh is the "Becoming One" is especially comforting. It reassures us that God is ever-present and meets us exactly where we are. Whether we need guidance, comfort, or protection, God is there to meet our needs.

In conclusion, the journey from isolation to integration is marked by God’s unyielding love and pursuit. God sets the lonely in families, ensuring no one is left alone. We drift, yet God goes after us, demonstrating his relentless pursuit and unwavering commitment. Yahweh, there is no equivalent, highlighting the unmatched depth of God’s love and his capacity to fulfill all our needs.

Let us rest in the knowledge that we are never truly alone, for God is always with us, defending, loving, and bringing us into his family.


Tags: community, god, relationships, comfort, yahweh

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