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Bringing Jesus’ Love, Healing, and Hope to the World!

by Dwane Reitz on May 21, 2024

Humanity’s brokenness and need for a Healer and Savior is evident all around us. Amidst this darkness and chaos, God steps into our world to bring his light, love, healing, and hope. Often, he chooses to reveal himself through us—his representatives who have experienced his saving grace and continuing healing in our lives. As we receive freely, we can give freely (Matthew 10:8).

Here are a few glimpses of God’s transforming and healing power, touching a variety of people and places around the globe through some of Petra’s missionaries and global partners.

  • To Hindus in Indonesia:
    Trevor and three women went down a road and came to an elderly couple at the end. They shared their faith in Jesus, and as they shared, another man came, who was a Hindu priest. He said 3 days ago, he had a dream about three women and one man sitting right where they were sitting. The priest asked for prayer, got healed, and said, “It’s done! It’s done!” They shared more about Jesus, and all three prayed the prayer of salvation. (Trevor & Leah Derr)
  • To Orphans in Guatemala:
    I continue to be amazed at how God has grown and blessed the Steps of Hope program over the past 4 years. Within the last year, three additional staff members (Jenny, Vicky, and Miguel) have been added to the Steps of Hope program to help orphan children and teens find emotional healing. (Tina Moore)
  • To the Unchurched in Post-Christian Wales:
    In Cardiff, God is drawing people into deeper relationship with him. Graham’s wife started attending our small group last year. A few months later, we met Graham at a charity Quiz Night and invited him to come along to small group. He started coming every week and now comes along on Sundays too! (Alan & Carol Wert)
  • To Church Leaders in Africa and Beyond:
    AABS now has a Southern Africa Region Director and a National Director in each of the 10 countries there. In Kenya, Dr. Tembula was delighted to receive our materials to use in his leadership training. A school in Ethiopia has joined us; this is our 18th country in Africa. Five schools in Costa Rica are using our curriculum. (JC Ebersole)
  • To University Students in Canada:
    This spring, InterVarsity students, alumni, and staff artists gathered to design and create an immersive PROXE experience for New Student Outreach this fall. Through prayer, the team landed on the theme of “Jesus Meeting Us in Isolation and Loneliness.” This PROXE uses interactive art & questions to clearly explain the gospel and help people respond. (Daniel & Jamie Jones)
  • To Families from Muslim Backgrounds:
    Jesus said, “A man’s enemies will be the members of his own household” (Matt 10:36). We work with Muslim families where this enmity is real and highlighted, especially during the Islamic fasting month of Ramadan. In spite of this opposition and turmoil, several family members have chosen to follow Jesus. (Bruce & Joyce Heckman)
  • To At-Risk Youth in Pennsylvania:
    So far this year, I have seen God move tremendously in the lives of the at-risk youth that I serve in Lancaster County as a ZOE East Coast Advocate. I have led one young girl to Christ and have had many conversations with my mentees about Jesus! They have been very receptive and excited to learn about him. (Brad Ortenzi)

God has called and empowered us as a church body to bring Jesus’ love, healing, and hope to the world. To stay in touch with Petra's short-term and long-term missionaries, click here. What is God calling you to send? Your prayers, financial support, and encouragement help others succeed in God's great rescue mission. And who, in your sphere of relationships, needs a God encounter? You are empowered right where you are to impact others with Jesus' love. Freely receive, freely give!

Tags: jesus, gospel, missions, salvation, africa, good news, great commission, missionaries, nations, asia

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